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EarPlanes® Child Flight Ear Plugs/Protectors

EarPlanes® Child Flight Ear Plugs/Protectors

Regular price $11.95
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Regular price Sale price $11.95


Tested by U.S. Navy pilots, these earplugs protect a child's hearing and comfort by regulating airflow and preventing pressure build-up in your ears. The silicone plugs form an airtight seal, while the CeramX filters control the flow of air into and out of the ear canals. A favorite with frequent fliers, these doctor-recommended earplugs are essential during takeoffs, landings and altitude changes to stabilize ear pressure.

Relieves painful ear discomfort, clogging, popping and possible hearing loss
Exclusive CeramX™ filters regulate air pressure during takeoff and landing
Tested by U.S. Navy pilots/recommended by doctors
One pair is good for both legs of one round-trip flight
Noise reduction rating: 20 decibels

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